Will tools like Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn and a Blog drive thousands of people to your site or to your business? Maybe, maybe not. But that’s not why you’re using them. You’re using them because they are free (from cost but…
Beating a Dead Horse
I’ve talked about this before, and I’m talking about it again because I still see it all the time. You can’t just start a business – a retail store, a restaurant, a consulting firm, etc. – and expect people to…
A Logo, A Menu, A Wrapped Truck–These Things Are Marketing!
Do you ever hear small business owners say they don’t spend money on marketing? I do. Constantly. As if spending money on marketing in some small business sin. Except, what they are usually talking about is advertising, not marketing. When…
Having Your Cake and Eating It Too
When it comes to marketing expenses, you can’t expect to spend zero dollars on marketing your business and still expect to set sales records. Restaurants are a perfect example of this at play in the real world. Understandably, it costs…