Broken marketing happens. A lot. I see it all the time. Businesses that have a broken piece of marketing — a Facebook page they can’t access because it was set up by a niece or friend who “knew social media,”…
The One Thing Starbucks Never Does
The one things Starbucks never does is ask me to leave if I am there just to enjoy the free wifi. I can set up shop for twenty minutes or three hours and never order a coffee, Frappucino or Chicken…
The Worst Thing Ever Said to My Face
“You’re too busy.” Sounds harmless, right? It could even be construed as positive reinforcement that I’m doing good work. Except, this was said by someone I thought was going to want me to mentor him. “I’d love for you to…
Shopping When You’re Hungry
Out of all the advice I’ve ever given, or will ever give, this principle seems to be the most important. Why? Because I see the same mistake made over and over and over again. Do not make important decisions regarding…