Positively Negative Blog Post Tinderbox Marketing Spokane, WA

Positively Negative

Its time for a confession. I have had a negative mindset lately. Like really negative. Here are the symptoms: I’ve been rough around the edges with my kids, I’ve been grumpy with my wife, I’ve gossiped about others, I’ve marginalized my friends, I’ve dreaded client meetings, I’ve been vindictive toward others, and I’ve spoken hurtful and hateful words.

Why? I think negativity is like a good cold; easy to catch, difficult to beat. I’m not sure I’ve been as careful with who I spend time with, and I don’t think I’ve been as intentional focusing on the positives in my life. Most of all, I’ve been tired, which means I haven’t been taking good care of myself.

In turn, the negativity has had repercussions. Here are the effects: the important relationships around me suffer, the quality of my work suffers, I lose the ability to focus, and I lack the energy to navigate the week.

Why am I telling you this? Honestly, I don’t have an agenda. Other than, as a business owner or entrepreneur I think it’s important to recognize your weaknesses and faults. You are probably very aware of what you’re great at. You’re probably well aware of what you’re good. But do you know what you stink at? Do you know the things you need to work on? If you do, would you admit it? Also, are you guarding yourself against the same kind of negativity?

Negativity is a willing companion for people in general, let alone a small business owner or entrepreneur. When you’re running a small business, it seems like negativity is just part of the deal. I’m not trying to generalize here, so I get that not everyone will struggle with this.

Admitting my faults doesn’t make me better than anyone else. It makes me more relatable. It also shows me what I need to fix in order to be a better person and to run a better business.

But, that’s the point. Admitting your faults – whether it’s negativity or not – helps your business, your family, and you. It doesn’t make you weaker. It makes you stronger. Just like taking good care of yourself doesn’t make you selfish, it makes it easier for you to be selfless.

FAITH COMMENTARY: working on my faults also makes me more like Jesus, and love more like him. Also, admitting I have an enemy means that this negativity is probably a spiritual attack I need to pray against.


  1. Thank you for this post. I was actually just thinking about this myself earlier this week. When your kids tell you the only things you talk about are climate change and things that irritate you, you know you have a problem. I appreciate your honesty here and will commit to doing better as well. Social contagion is a powerful force. And it can be used in a positive way just as easily as a negative one. Onward and upward!

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