Why Does Change Management Matter?

Business Brew Work-From-Home Edition #14

On June 3rd, 2021 Manny Martinez was the Business Brew guest and he led a conversation on change management.

Manny Martinez is the President of Relentless Leadership LLC., a Crestcom International authorized agent. Crestcom delivers interactive learning experiences in leadership and management which help people produce real business results across 60 countries and 25,000 clients. In October 2018, Manny completed a 30-year career in the United States Air Force, reaching the summit of leadership as Chief Master Sergeant. He served military tours in the U.S., Germany, Italy, and Turkey, and deployed to military operations in Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, and Afghanistan.

Here are some of the top takeaways from Manny’s discussion. 

The difference between a manager and a leader
According to Manny, manager is a title usually achieved the same people become parents. It doesn’t necessarily mean they have any actual skills in management and leadership. Becoming a leader starts with clear communication and emotional intelligence. 

How to be the leader during change
When leading a team through change, the most important thing to do is to focus on the benefits of change. Leaders should also focus on what will be gained through the change. 

Additionally, leaders can proactively thank the team for their help leading up to the change. 

What are good examples of change management?
The best examples of change management happen when leaders articulated the change clearly and communicated frequently. When people are able to envision the best results and how it will benefit them, implementing change becomes much easier. 

As a leader, be able to recognize the need for change
Sometimes change is necessary and obvious in times like recessions or in times of crisis or in times of growth. In other cases, leaders might not be aware of the need for change. As a leader, growing your emotional intelligence skillset is an easy way to be cognizant of needed changes before they become issues. 

Communication is key! Here are some tips

  • Repeat – communicate an idea more than once. You can use the seven times seven different ways trick. 
  • Ask questions
  • Be transparent about the need for change and the progress
  • Be approachable 
  • Anticipate questions and answer them before they are asked
  • Show your care and commitment to the team as they go through the change
  • Have agendas for all meetings so everything is on the same page
  • Schedule change meetings
  • During the change meetings, update on what’s working, what’s not working, and what needs to be done.

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