An open sign on a small business meant to signify the importance of marketing

What does “marketing” even mean?

Marketing. What does that even mean?

Lots of business owners will claim to know nothing about marketing.

For eight years, I’ve asked business owners to define marketing in their own words.

Here are a few of the responses I’ve received:
• Demonstrating expertise. Being top of mind. Being relevant.
• Generating awareness of your brand.
• Getting our name out there and increasing sales.
• Be consistent in sharing your brand’s story repeatedly but in different ways and through different platforms.
• Finding people who are willing to embrace the change I want to make.

What they are all saying is that marketing is telling a story to the appropriate audience.

Sure, marketing is more than that. But it’s not anything less than that.

Would you like to contribute to the survey and request a free marketing review at this same time? Click here.
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