So, maybe not the best business and marketing tips ever. But certainly very good tips. And most likely the best tips you are reading right this very moment. 1. Have a pretty URL (web address) I know that it is…
Why Do Organizations Move So Slowly?
Organizations move slowly because they choose to move slowly. In most cases, moving slowly is a bad thing. Slow moving organizations are rarely proactive, and when they’re reactive, it’s typically too little too late. Additionally, they are usually unable to…
I Am My Worst Customer
I often joke that marketers – especially those who are also small business owners – are our own worst customers. During the course of any given week, I give my clients all kinds of marketing and sales advice: – Post…
Find Your Next Everest
In business (or life, for that matter) it’s not enough to just climb Everest. Climbing Everest is a great goal that takes years of training and dedication (and money) to accomplish. But what do you do once you’ve climbed Everest?…
Marketing research is great, but. . .
Often, marketing professionals talk about research. What’s the perfect market for our service? How will the market respond to our product? Who is the most likely to visit our store? What are the competitors doing and how are they doing…
Don’t Poke the Bear
Sometimes temptation can get the best of us. You may eat one too many cookies, or speed to avoid being late, or hit the snooze button one too many times. None of those are particularly serious temptations, but as the…
Unintentional Wisdom from NFL Wide Receiver Terrell Owens
During an interview on ESPN Radio, NFL wide receiver Terrell Owens was asked about his creative touchdown celebrations, and how he was able to keep developing original ideas. Owens said, “I was just trying to come up with something just a…
Stories and Trust
My wife is brilliant: “I think people like reading stories, as long as it doesn’t turn out to be a waste of time. You want to leave them happy and/or satisfied that they spent time reading your story (blog, status…
Seven Tips From Successful Entrepreneurs
I was featured in the article “Seven Tips From Successful Entrepreneurs: What They Wish They Had Known.” Quickly, here are the seven tips: 1. Hire an accountant (this was my advice) 2. Get mentors and ask them questions 3. Do your…
Make the World Better for Everyone You Meet
That sounds simple, possibly trite, and certainly cliche, but let it sink in for a moment… Ok, moment’s over. How much more awesome would your day be if everyone you met went out of their way to make your day…