When you don’t have a job it can be tough to spend money. But any successful business person will tell you, you have to spend money to make money. So, ask a professional contact out to coffee and offer to…
Dating is Like Sales
Each no gets you that much closer to a yes. Sales isn’t so much about closing every deal. It’s about playing the odds. But you don’t have to be sleazy, cheesy or deceptive about it. Trying to build relationships is…
What Do You Say When You Have Nothing To Say?
Do you fill the space with filler words like and, um, uh, or the infamous but, um? Sometimes (maybe even most of the time) silence is just fine. Filling the silence with filler words and meaningless conversation certainly isn’t going…
No New Ideas
Author James Michener once said, “I’m not a very good writer, but I’m an excellent rewriter.” I’m not certain of the context, but I take this as him waxing philosophically over originality. It’s often said that Shakespeare used every emotion…
Success Through Failure and Batman Quotes
There are a million quotes you could use to summarize why failing is an important aspect of achieving success. My generation will be remembered for many reasons, not the least of which is social media and comic books turned into movies….
A Logo, A Menu, A Wrapped Truck–These Things Are Marketing!
Do you ever hear small business owners say they don’t spend money on marketing? I do. Constantly. As if spending money on marketing in some small business sin. Except, what they are usually talking about is advertising, not marketing. When…
“I’m Thinking About Starting An Online Directory”
Just met another person looking to start an online directory. I didn’t want to be rude or anything, but I looked at him and simply asked, “why?” I think to myself, has he never heard of Google? Or Angie’s List?…
Worst Sales Strategy. Ever.
Yelling into the phone. Seriously, I can hear you. You don’t have to yell. I have to doubt that strategy has worked. “So this telemarketer called me and yelled into the phone. And I bought everything he was selling,” said…
Having Your Cake and Eating It Too
When it comes to marketing expenses, you can’t expect to spend zero dollars on marketing your business and still expect to set sales records. Restaurants are a perfect example of this at play in the real world. Understandably, it costs…
Do What You Love
Doing what you love for a living is important. For many, it’s impractical but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. So, here are a few tips for doing what you love for a living. First, if you can’t get a job…